Friday, 19 March 2010

luv u ALLAH

assalamualaikum wbt

dengan nama ALLAH yang Maha Pemurah
Maha Penyayang

tiada Tuhan melainkan ALLAH
Rasulullah SAW itu pesuruh ALLAH

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

is it a warning from ALLAH??
u shud be awake by now!!!

u shud not luv others
b4 u luv ALLAH
b4 ALLAH is ur LOVER all da time
every seconds u breath
u shud always hoping f0r His luv as well

b4 ur luv to Rasulullah is more than everything on diz Earth
Rasulullah shud be a person dat u luv da most

neva put some1 else in ur heart
b4 u eva luv ALLAH n RASULULLAH

am i so bad all this time??

luv ur mom afta dat

it's still not ur lover!!


afta u managed to give heart to
n u will always miss Rasulullah
n always luv to be like him
always make him as da best example to live ur life

give some space in ur heart to ur mom

"syurga di bawah telapak kaki ibu"

obey her
neva against her

take a great care of her

afta dat

luv ur dad

have i done all those thing???

i might be easy to say
i luv u ayh

syg ayah sgt2


we r very difficult to get along...

very little things to talk bout


when i feel he's too far away from me

i try to get closer to him back

always send him "i love u" msg


when my mom n i have no prob to get along

y i become too shy to say dat

yupp i said dat

but in hidden way

when im in trouble baru la i look for her


i neva cry

i neva let her/ other members of my famili to c my tears...


tu baru mak

dah la tak express my feeling towards her

even everything i did, i always luv to contribute it 4 her

she's 60 diz year


i always afraid if im too late to make her happy


i always feel dat

dats y i always call her...


"force" her to talk wif me

n then says

"mk, rah mtk maaf"

"mk, rah mtk maaf sgt2...sbb dulu rah jahat"

mak slalu reply me

"dah2...jgn lupe solat...ngaji....ingat ALLAH...jgn tinggal"

coz she knows me better


terima kasih mk

sebab always ingatkan rah

mak buat irah takut sgt

mak hari2 ngaji kalu mk free

mk rindu rah sgt2 kan?

3bulan pertama, rah kat sini

rah kol

"rah ngaji dop?? mk 3x dah khatam quran.. ngaji la erk?"


tu lah kali pertama

rah beranikan diri ngaji dpn org laen


rah balik nti nak ngaji ngn mk

mk tgu rah!!


ya ALLAH gimme more time to be wif her


sowy ya ALLAH

kerana b4 diz

i gimme my heart to wrong person

dats y i neva meet da right path b4 diz...

maafkan aku ya ALLAH

lemparkan cinta dlm hati ku

utk Mu

utk Rasulullah

supaya aku dpt mengenali-Mu

mengenali Rasulullah

saat pertama aku melihat Rasulullah kelak

biarkan cintaku kepada ibu ku paling utama setelah Rasulullah

biarkan aku bercinta dgn ayah ku setelah ibuku


" ya ALLAH jika aku jatuh cinta,

cintakan lah aku pada seseorang yang melabuhkan cintanya padaMu

agar bertambah kekuatanku untuk mencintaiMu "

luv u ALLAH


- hoping 4 YOUR LOVE-