Saturday, 27 March 2010

assalamualaikum wbt

dengan nama ALLAH yang Maha Pemurah
Maha Penyayang

tiada Tuhan melainkan ALLAH
Rasulullah SAW itu pesuruh ALLAH

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

what is haram for muslim when they are in muslim community is still haram wheneva they are eventhough when they live in non-muslim community..

Dr Zakir Naik

if u come back home n then u find out that ur mom is being abused by ur neighbour,
what will u do?
will u kill him?
will u beat him up?
will u do the same thing as what he had done to ur mom?

yeahh u might do the same thing
because u luv ur mom rite?

can u consider
who actually do u luv da most in ur life
yeah it shud be ALLAH
so y not u try to do the best that u can do
in order to protect some1 that u luv
show how much u luv ALLAH by worshiping him
by doing all those things that He asked us to do
n dont do anything that He dislike

amar makruf nahi mungkar

